Functional Foods

Functional Food is a term that refers to a plant or animal product that offers potential positive physiological benefits beyond basic nutrition for your overall health and wellness. Functional foods are said to promote optimal health and help reduce the risk of disease.

One common example of functional food is oatmeal as it contains soluble fiber that can help to reduce cholesterol levels. Other of functional foods include apple cider vinegar and manuka honey, which seek to offer nutritional support while also supporting the immune system and promoting a healthy internal response. Herbal teas also seek to support overall health, and may offer support for the immune system and may offer other potential health benefits (depending on the kinds of herbs and botanical extracts used). All of these foods contain health supportive compounds like antioxidants, carotenoids, minerals, and more. 

Other Potential Benefits of Functional Foods:

  • Supports digestive system health
  • Promotes healthy energy levels
  • May support healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range
  • Seeks to support detoxification
  • Promotes immune system health